Tuesday, May 26, 2009

What's Your Attitude and Efforts???

  • When wind blows strongly, some build a wall for protection, while others build windmills to generate energy. Its our Attitude that makes the difference.

  • The cotton wool files in the air due to its luck, but a bird files with its efforts. So don't worry if luck doesn't support U, your Efforts can make all.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Alphabet 'O'

Alphabet 'O' stands for opportunity,

which is absent in yesterday,

avaliable once in tOday &

thrice in tOmOrrOw.

Think . . .

For Better Step

No one ever won a game of chess by betting only on each forward moves.
Sometimes U have to move backward to get a better step forward!

Monday, March 30, 2009

Goldan Ruls for success

Three Goldan Ruls For Success:-
1. Know more than others.
2. Work more than others.
3. Expect less than others.
By:- Yogesh Alkari